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Financial Planning

Financial Planning is the basis for our practice. Every one of our clients will come away with a quality financial plan. What does quality mean? 

Quality financial planning focuses on achieving goals and dreams.

We take the time to get to know what our clients want to achieve. Things that are both monetary and emotional in nature are things that your advisor should know about you and your family. In understanding what your aspirations are, we can help to create a blueprint to help make sure that you achieve these goals and continue to add to these dreams as you progress through life.

Quality financial planning is continuously evolving and updated.

We believe in following up our initial planning meeting with proactive, customized follow-up meetings, focusing on what matters to you at your stage of life. At each of our next meetings, in addition to reviewing your investment performance and holdings, we focus our attention on an issue which will help get you better prepared to deal with life’s obstacles, long before these obstacles impact your life. These obstacles may include Long-Term Care, Estate Planning issues, Retirement Readiness and Education Savings. Each of these meetings has been developed through a unique process and will help to ensure that every client gets consistent, quality advice that fits their stage of life.

Quality financial planning helps to determine what level of risk you need to take on.

Before deciding on what investments may be appropriate for your long and short-term goals, we take the time to understand the level of risk that you are comfortable with and how much risk is required in order to help you reach your goals. We have found that too many plans are either too simple or an afterthought for many clients. We have worked hard to develop a unique, in-depth process for our plans and believe that we can help families and businesses take on appropriate levels of risk in their accounts.

Quality financial planning helps to reduce taxes and discover tax-savings opportunities.

Trevor holds a Personal Financial Planner (PFP), a Qualified Associate Financial Planner (QAFP) designations, and will work directly on your plan from start to finish. His many years experience doing financial plans helps him to formulate strategies to help reduce your tax bill, and uncover tax savings.

If you haven’t reviewed your financial plan in more than a year, or feel like your plan doesn’t meet our quality criteria, please give our office a call to schedule a no-cost introductory meeting to see if our financial planning process can work for you and your family. Call (403) 220-9808 or reach us by email.
